
I present you Kazuma Alexis

Born on December 28th, 2010 at 16:50 in Osaka, Japan. Boy  3,024kg 50cm 10 fingers and toes (phew!)

Labor went relatively well and once active labor started (took a long time to get there) he was out in under an hour, screaming on his own really quickly. I saw him come out, and it was an amazing experience to witness. For better and for worse, men don't get to experience directly the gestation and birth, but at least I could see him come out.

Anyways, I know most of you aren't here for my blah blah, so with further ado, I present you Kaz.

Shot about 5min after birth

In the blue corner, weighing at 3,024 kg (he was on the scale then)

I love his little frown on this one


  1. trop mignonne !! mes félicitations a vous. joli photos. déjà les yeux grand ouvert!!

  2. he is really cute!! Bravo!!

  3. tres tres beau bebe!!!!! felicitations!
    Bienvenue sur Terre petit Kazuma!

  4. Congratulations! Now you have a great little boy to capture his every move! Enjoy the Journey!

  5. Mon Dieu, mais la curiosité semble déjà être bien présente: il regarde l'appareil, les yeux tout à fait conscients! Incroyable!
    Quel beau bébé! Félicitations à vous deux et bon rétablissement pour maman!

  6. Félicitations à Tomomi et à toi. Super beau bébé. La qualité prend sa source dans le mélange des cultures... J'ai hâte de lui apprendre des coups pendables. Aujourd'hui, mononc Antoine va t'apprendre à créer des balles de neige remplies de peinture...
