
Osaka TV Profile

I've received the video of my profile that aired on Osaka TV News Bizz on Aug. 17, 2010 and uploaded it on my website. If you wish to laugh at my poor attempt at speaking Japanese (and my chopstick fumble!), you can check it here.

It was little surreal at times to think that they wanted to do a profile on me, and walking around with a camera crew was an interesting experience to say the least. Hopefully it will attract some attention and help with promotion. A big thanks to Sakata-san from Take One and Chris at Kansai Scene (I have a piece in this month's edition, covering a restaurant, which also appears in the video).

By the way, all my wardrobe wasn't coincidental: I wore a t-shirt from the Trailwalker, which I joined in 2007 and 2008; a MontBell shirt, who sponsored my team on both Trailwalkers; and a Car Danchi 3 t-shirt from Neil Hartmann, a snowboard filmmaker and photographer, who has the distinction of both being the first person I ever interviewed and my earliest photography mentor.

1 comment:

  1. Sugoi! Ton japonais est meilleur que le monsieur de Kansai Scene qui parlait anglais! ;) C'est drôle, ton accent japonais est entre celui d'un anglophone et d'un québécois. C'est la première fois que j'en entends un comme le tien! Unique!

    C'est vraiment très intéressant comme reportage. Et la photo sous la neige, c'est trop trognon!

    Et j'ai beaucoup ri avec les baguettes... Oh la la! ;)

    Bon, à part ça, le reportage donne faim en titi... Je salive...

    Et la finale: tu es un des rares à avoir choisi Osaka pour y habiter, au lieu de visiter, très intéressant!
